Well, today is Thanksgiving. Since it is an American holiday, today wasn't much different than any other day, except that family and friends were on my mind a bit more than usual; wondering what football game is on and whose ahead, missing the smells that fill a house from a roaring fire and delicious food, and catching up on all the details of everyones' lives. But, I certainly did not go hungry tonight and I think that it helps that I am flying back to the states for two weddings next week. Carol and I dined on wonderful Indian Curry; her- vegetable (of course as she is a vegetarian) and me- pumpkin chicken! I am feeling so wonderfully full. They have the most wonderful nan here too. Our Indian waiter even gave us mango lycee to drink, on the house! Tomorrow is a national holiday in Japan, Labor Day. So Carol and I are heading out to have the traditional Thanksgiving meal with another missionary family we met here. (This is not to say that I am not eagerly anticipating Thanksgiving leftovers from both sides of the family!!!!) So have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving everyone. Much love, Lindsey.