Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Skit Day, Site Training, and an Answer to Prayer!

Whew! What a whirlwind of a month! I was glad I could get my newsletter out, but my blog has been lonely for a bit- so I am sorry to my faithful readers! If you are interested in watching a video of me doing Shodou, the traditional Japanese calligraphy, I've included the link below. The kanji I chose is "Fukkatsu" which means "Resurrection". I retraced one of the strokes, which is a no no. Caught in the act!
On March 7th we celebrated the end of language school by performing a skit written and performed by all of the Japanese language students in a joint effort. We tried to tape it, but we found out afterward that there is no sound! But I have many, many pictures! It was titled "Densha (train) Drama" and was the story of love at first site on a busy train in Tokyo. As hard as the love birds try, different events and characters keep coming in between them on the train. There were sumo wrestlers, cowboys, tourists, Harajuku teens, a drink man, and a sleeping man. Finally their stop comes and the girl gets off but the boy is unable to. Thinking she's lost him, she goes to her first day of English class at LLI and lo and behold- he's a student in the class too! "Ya ta!" I hope we can get the tape working because I'd love for you all to see it! Especially where I almost told my love-interest that I am a vegetable!
Site training was really good. I got to meet the congregation, students, and pastor that will all be a big part of my life for the next two years, or as long as God sees fit. The two kindergartens are full of energy and curious, excitable children who were all in awe over my height and hair color. I even caught one little boy trying to touch my hair at lunch every time I turned my head the other way and he thought I wasn't looking. I of course let him, and he was so surprised by the texture! At both sites I teach other classes, and the schedule allows me to stay longer and eat lunch, play with students, and mingle with teachers. Most of the teachers aren't Christian, so it seems to be as much of an opportunity to share the love of Christ with the students as the adults.
This week has been filled with teacher training workshops, and it has been so helpful to have seen the classes I will teach in attending these sessions. I am getting a lot of great answers to questions and innovative ideas for teaching! Today I had a huge answer to prayer... my international driving permit came!!!!! So thank you all for your prayers! That is the fastest I've heard of postage making it across the ocean this way and processing of the application and such! What a great God we have! I have been so blessed lately through His constant and perfect provisions that come just when I need them. It makes me think of the line in the Lord's Prayer, "Give us this day our daily bread". It's everything we need for the day, but still we trust in His love and provision for tomorrow. And everyday I see it, the stronger my faith grows in hope and expectation of all of the tomorrows to come.
"I have set the way of the Lord before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption. You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16:8-11
I love you all! Please pray for me in this transition and for spiritual protection; and, as always, let me know how I can be praying for you!
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