Hard to believe that I'm leaving for Japan in a little over a week! I'm excited to start this blog as I am an avid journaler. It has been wonderful being able to be back here in North Idaho for these last two months to have some time with my family and to allow for a more laid-back transition from internship in the states to the foreign mission field. God is so good- I see His plan at work everywhere around me! I was initially uncomfortable and hesitant about the whole support raising aspect of missionary service, but it is turning out to be a faith-growing and blessed expereince. I don't want anyone to give because they feel they have to- I want people who give to give because they are keenly aware of and in support of the mission and ministry that their giving will support. It was missionary Jim Elliot who said, "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." I thought about this a lot as I was packing up and giving away most all of the possessions I had accumulated for myself from which to build a home. It turned out to be the most freeing experience of my life. I could look around my little apartment and see in it everything that God had provided for me; and so as I gave it away, I did so with freedom and joy knowing that when I had need of it again God would provide it. And I focused on not what I was losing- but on what I am gaining! This gives me such great joy! All of the things we surround ourselves with in life will perish, or we will. In anycase, their place is temporal and only in this world. But anytime money and resources are put to use in ministry (be it supporting a missionary, giving to a seminary student, or just putting money in the offering plate), we are taking what is temporal and using it in a way that will have a wonderful impact on people's lives and their very souls for all of eternity! And it is because of this strong conviction that I am able to seek support to provide for me to do God's work.
Luke 12:24 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Luke 12:24 "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Here's a link: https://www.lcms.org/pages/internal.asp?NavID=12047
1 comment:
Hi Lindsey! Thanks for the updates! I look forward to the newsletter!
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