Wow! This upcoming Friday will make the one-month anniversary of my moving to Japan! I can't get over how much has happenend. Our language class had its first test Friday over grammer and verbs. Saturday, Carol and I randomly decided to join in with some friends and run a 10K "Run for the Cure" not having done much training- but it was still great. It was so interesting because I feel I hardly ever see people run here and so it was no surprise to see at the race starting line mostly foreigners. We ran 2 laps around the Emperor's Emperial Palace, which was surrounded by lush trees and deep moat-like sections of river inhabited by cranes and the occassional swan.
Friday we were privilaged enough to be invited to the Blanke's house. Rev. Blanke teaches at the Lutheran seminary here and was so knowledgable about the history of Christianity and lutheranism in Japan. I had no idea how much and for how long the church has been persecuted here. (I'd like to share more later, as I am still researching the topic myself.) He and his wife served us lunch as well. I just can't get over all of the wonderful people that God is bringing into my life here and all of the support I have here. I'm so touched to hear about all that God is doing through these people and the heart they have for Japan.
I've also experienced 2 earthquakes since I've been here- they've both been small, but still, it is a rather erie feeling. Everyday I find myself picking up more and more of the words I hear all around me and I can't wait for the day when I am able to understand these conversations more fully and even join in.
There are daily reminders of the hopelessness the Japanese people face here. Quite ofter, our train will just stop for 20 minutes on our way home. Everytime this happens, I shudder, because it is often the result of some hopeless person who jumped in front of the train to end their own life. The faith that people have here seems to be more out of tradition than anything, and so with no real belief or hope in any sort of after-life, the present life gains tremendous importance- things like wealth, power, social-status, attractiveness. And when people fail or are fired from thier jobs, families often never hear from them again. They either go missing and join the homeless population living along the riverbanks, or they jump in front of a train. My heart just aches for these people. Many are without hope and so desperately in need of it. And sadly, due to religious fanatics releasing poisonous gas on a train a few years back, people are quite sceptical of all forms of religion- especially Christianity. So I'd like to ask you again to join with me in praying for the following:
Please pray for my roommate Carol's health, for sustained energy and focus in language school, for the people of Japan and for their salvation, for the funding for foreign missions (mine and others), and for those we've all left back home.
1 comment:
hey lindsey! it sounds like you are loving your time there. it also sounds rather non-stop:)
i also wanted to let you know that i really loved your explaination of your experience with fundraising... or rather support-raising. it sounds like you are becoming more and more aware of the dual nature of support raising: money and prayer:)
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