Wow! It has been so busy since my last post. I flew home for two family weddings and was also blessed to meet the newest member of our family- my niece Kira! Both weddings were beautiful and I really enjoyed the opportunity to see a lot of my extended family; especially as I don't know when I will next see them. The time flew by, but God was so good through it all. A few stories to share:
On the morning of my flight, I prayed for a good flight and to sit next to someone who spoke Japanese who would help me practice (since I was missing a whole week of class). When I got on the plane, I met a very nice Japanese woman. She shared her sushi with me and we got to talking. I told her what I was doing in Japan, and that I worked at a church. She replied that she went to church, which is a considerable thing as less than 1% of the population here is Christian. As our conversation continued, I found out that she's not only christian, but a Lutheran! I was able to have a very interesting and edifying conversation about what it is like to be a christian in Japan, when and why she decided to convert to Christianity and be baptized; all the while practicing each others' languages! When we de-planed in Seattle, she asked me to meet her in the baggage claim, where she gave me a parallel New Testament- Japanese and English side by side. I was so touched to receive this gift, and so grateful to God that He hears the smallest, most insignificant of our prayers and does wonders! He truly does bless us beyond all that we can ask or imagine (Eph. 3:19-20).
I was also amazed to see the other week at a church I visited all of the children who were there without parents. It reminds me of all Christ had to say about "the least of these". One small girl, whose 9, comes faithfully ever week. A nice man in the congregation who owns a curry shop sits next to her and helps her through the service. He helps her find the hymns; he shows her the psalm and collect; he's a father to her. It brings tears to my eyes to see this kind of longing on the girl's part, and satisfaction of that longing through the man. Other children simply wanted to get away from home for whatever reason, so they went to the church (which has become a safe and familiar place as they take language class there during the week). It was a helpful reminder that often we don't need to create ministry opportunities, but that God brings them to us. I see the beginnings, the planting, the yearning and hunger of a culture and a people group encountering the gospel. I am excited for all that God has in store!
The last two weeks since I've been back have flown by! I had a test the week I got back over material I had missed, and got my highest score yet... Ironic! Speech day is tomorrow; and I will be delivering a 6 minute speech all in Japanese- the culmination of all I've learned in the first half of language school. The following week Carol and I will head up to Niigata (which is more rural) and have our "home stays" in which we will observe and participate in two different traditional Japanese homes. This will end just before Christmas, so we will celebrate with the other missionaries who live and serve up there. Hopefully we'll be having a white Christmas as well!
Well, that's all for now. More to come later. I am a bit frustrated about complications in sending out my newsletter; but be assured, it is coming soon! God's Blessings on all of your Christmas preparations and travels!
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