I learned tonight that I will be spending the next two years living in...... NIIGATA!!! Horray! I'll be teaching at Niigata University, classes at the church, and three kindergarten classes!!! The pastor there actually graduated from Ft. Wayne Seminary- coincedentally enough. More information and photos to come! Until then... take care and God bless!
oh Lindz...I'm so excited for you. I know God will bless you so richly as you serve in Nigata. Until then...let's go shopping! ;) Costco anyone?
Yay! Will Haidee still be there or will she be returning home by then?
I have been thinking about you and your placement for the last month! I'm so excited for you! Talk about a wide range of age levels! Kindergarten to college-age. Wow! That will be a transition. I can see God's hand at work in your life - He's given you the opportunity to teach at a university. Praise God for the way that he works. God's blessings on all that you do. He is with you every step of the way and you are a priceless tool that he is using every day! I miss you!
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