I love it when God gives us glimpses into the way He's working in the lives of others- especially those who aren't Christian yet. I was blessed with such a glimpse this last Thursday when I went to teach at the kindergarten in Kamo. As I've mentioned in previous blogs, none of the teachers there are Christian, but they are all interested in Christianity and as it is a Lutheran kindergarten, they teach Christian songs and lead meal prayers. They are also studying Luther's Small Catechism once a month with Nomura Sensei (the pastor in Niigata City). I attend chapel there on Thursdays after I finish teaching, where the principle(who is Christian) usually gives a small message about some theme from the Bible.
This last week, the principle was absent, and so one of the teachers gave the talk instead. She told the story of Peter walking out to Jesus on the lake in such an animated way I half expected to see the children spring up from their chairs and join Peter in walking out on the Lake to Jesus. Her message was simple and powerful: "Shinji nasai!" Believe! Don't worry about the wind and the waves; but have faith in the one who made them and has power over them. I was struck by this verb being given in the command form, coming from a woman who has yet to publicly profess her faith in Christ. God is certainly working!
It makes me think of 1 Corinthians 12:3, "Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God says, 'Jesus is accursed'; and no one can say 'Jesus is Lord,' except by the Holy Spirit." I'm so grateful for these glimpses- to see ways God is answering the prayer, "your kingdom come," here in Japan.
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