In the news this last week, a new prime minister was chosen and assumed office. His name is Taro
Aso and he is a catholic! This fact astounds me considering less than 1% of the population in the whole country is christian. In the research I have done on Japan, and I shared with some of you through my presentation or conversations this last summer, having a christian in the seat of national leadership in this country that likens itself to conformity was a prayer and desire of the first missionaries that came to this country back in 1549. The influence of the government on the people in this day in age is somewhat different, but I still do believe this to be an event of some potential and
significance for those laboring here and for those in other places of the world who are praying for our efforts!
Aso assumes office at a time of political instability after his
Yasou Fukuda, abruptly resigned after serving only a year in office. From a class I taught on Friday, I gathered from the students that there is a growing climate of distrust of the government throughout the country. Many people feel change is needed; that since WWII the countries power and
politics have been centralized, mainly in Tokyo, and that that power needs to be distributed throughout Japan so that people in their areas have more say in what happens to them directly. I'm not sure as to which issues this would effect most, but the struggle and desire for a new structure reminded me of in the states, how we have both a state and national government. Anyway, there are many people who are waiting and watching; some of them are waiting for this man to fail, other just simply don't know. It is a tremendous opportunity on a national scale for the people of Japan to see a different side of Christianity and is a
great avenue through which God can work wonders! Please join me in praying for this man- for his service in this position of power, for his influence on the people, for the way in which he models and testifies to his christian faith, and for all of the ways God can and wants to work through him.
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