Today I met for the first time a private lesson student who came to observe my women's class in Sanjo. There didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary about meeting this young woman, but upon reflecting back on my day, I found myself thanking God for her- and the people like her who I've met since I came here; people who are genuine, honest, who have really struggles and pains and aren't afraid to be real about them. It's something I can connect with and a place I can begin to pray for her. I spend so much time at these kindergartens, in Kamo and Sanjo, even though I don't live there and am only there one day a week. At both places I have all this time in the middle where I can't do anything- no work, no studying, nothing- except play and enjoy the company of the children and teachers. I've struggled with this a bit at times, not because I don't love kids and playing and the teachers, but because I feel so pressed for time in other areas of my life- places I want to be doing ministry. But as I've been praying about it and continuing to spend time in these places, I am begining to wonder if the time isn't just play time (that I am getting a lot of enjoyment out of, but feel guilty for when there's so much else to be done), but if there are, in fact, ways and places where God is opening the doors to connect the children of these kindergartens with the local churches- and if I can be a part of that! I teach and regularly interact with around 70 children a week- that's 70 families that can be touched , are waiting to be touched, by the love of Christ!!! So for now, I'm praying. From my experience (which sadly, isn't such a long resume) I have seen that the best ministry opportunities are doors that God's opened, opportunities He's brought to us. So rather than write out and propose a 12 step program to integrate the families from the kindergarten into the church- I'm opting to go the less defined route, by praying- and am inviting people to join me. More and more recently, I have been running into and having the opportunity to chat with these parents myself, getting to know them and enjoying working with their children- I even have a parent of a kindergarten boy who has joined my women's afternoon class with whom I have regular contact! I don't know what any of these things will lead to- how or if God can and if He will use them, but I'm praying, and in eyes of faith and trust, I am looking forward to seeing Him move! There's nothing like watching God change the hearts and lives of people! I pray you are experiencing that joy where you are as well!
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